Transformation through Self-Defense
Our time, energy, and ideas have value. You matter.
Our mission is to provide a set of mental, emotional and physical self-defense skills to support the right of all people to engage in the world at their fullest capacity, undistracted by fear and worry.
Right now the world needs you. Don’t let fear hold you back.
We believe self-defense is more than a set of physical techniques to prevent physical harm. The decision to defend oneself can occur in a myriad of situations - defending ones time, ones ideas, boundaries, emotional well being - these all contribute to living our best lives. This can be challenging when energy is spent with fear, worry and concerns around physical safety.
Ready to take the next step?
A powerful connection between mind and body can be developed through learning physical self-defense techniques in concert with mental, emotional and verbal skills.
Set-up a workshop or private lesson today!